Monday, December 17, 2018

Image result for annika whitcomb
Senior at ROCORI High School

Guest Blogger: Annika Whitcomb

Hi everyone, I will be taking over Raquel's Blog for today! Back at my own Lifestyle blog, I cover topics from makeup, fashion, food, home decor and much more! Fitness is also a major part of having a happy and healthy lifestyle, so I was very inspired to add that side of things to my blog as well. Running is also something I have enjoyed, but recently have been dealing with knee pain. Being apart of various sports teams as well has made me really appreciate the fact that I am capable to go on runs. Something that is often made into a punishment, and I think it's really important to view it as something you should be thankful for instead of a task to dread. A common complaint you will hear in the hallways is someone dreading running the pacer. The pacer is a test students take in Phy Ed classes. This is something that brings nerves and anxiety to many students, and I strongly believe that is all due to the stigma created around running. Sure, it's tiring and some may be better runners than others, but with a change of mindset I think we could all be receiving much higher pacer scores.

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Friday, December 14, 2018

Runner Christmas Present Ideas!

1. Running Clothes

- Obvious answer, just go to your local TJMaxx for some real steals on all athletic wear from brands such as Nike to Adidas, and items such as sport bras to running tights.

2. A Roller

- If you aren't familiar with rollers, these are a runners best friend! There is so many different types of rollers, specializing in certain muscles, it makes a great gift idea.

3. Running Journal

- A very personalized gift, that maybe isn't something they wanted to quite spend their own money on, but definitely a fun gift any runner would appreciate.

4. Water bottles

- Any runner knows how vital it is too stay hydrated, so that is a gift that is guaranteed a lot of use.

5. Running Sunglasses

- An unexpected and unique gift that your runner pal may not have gone out of the way to purchase but will come in handy and think of you on those sunny long runs while their eyes are shaded by the secure running sunglasses.

6. Headband and Mittens

- Being from Minnesota I know how important it is to stay warm if you have any intentions of stating some what warm running outdoors. Also very common misplaced and shared items throughout running teams, so always a good time to receive.

7. Food

- All of those miles runners be racking up leaves them with an appetite. Food healthy or not will be a fun surprise for any human to receive, but after a long run, that simple present can really bring joy to come runners.

8. Running Watch

- This is a bit more of a pricey gift if you are wanting to get a quality running watch, but if your gift receiver is a loves runs as much as you love them, that would put a smile on their face for sure!

9. Running Related Everyday Items

- The running lifestyle inevitable spills over into life, and random fun little items referencing to the passion or joking towards running if a fun little personalized gift idea.

10.  Running Socks

- Bonus points if you specific running friend has never experienced socks that are specially made for running purpose, they will be life changed by you.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

 My Running Survey

1. When was the last time you went running on your own?
Maggie-  Last Week
Annika- Sunday
 Cayden - Last Week
2. Would you prefer long slow pace runs or short and fast runs?\
Maggie- Short fast runs
Annika- Long & Slow
 Cayden- Short fast runs
3. Do you prefer running with music or silence?
Maggie- Music
Annika- Music
 Cayden- Music
4. Would you rather run solo or with a partner/ group?
Maggie- Solo
Annika- Solo
 Cayden- Solo
5. If you've been in sports, what is the most common punishments for mistakes or bad participation? Do you think that is a good punishment?
Maggie- Killers, yes it helps with Conditioning
Annika- no
 Cayden- Running, and yes
6. Would you consider yourself physically healthy?
Maggie- Yes
Annika- No
 Cayden- Yes
7. What would you consider a long distance run?
Maggie- 3 miles
Annika- 5 miles
 Cayden- 5 miles
8. What is your favorite for of working out/ (example: weight lifting, biking, cardio, etc.)
Maggie- Weight Lifting
Annika- Weight lifting
 Cayden- Weight Lifting
9. If you could be sponsored by any athletic brand as a professional runner, what brand would you choose?
Maggie- Nike
Annika- Nike
 Cayden- Nike
10. Do you prefer hot or cold weather for running? 
Maggie- Cold
 Cayden -Cold

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

My First Time Qualifying for the Track & Field State Meet

My sophomore year was the year I would finally complete my middle school dream of making it to the high school state meet. I was running on the 4x400 and Rocori has a very successful past with this particular race, so you can guess my excitement  as I see my teammate running toward me on the track. I was the second runner, receiving the baton from my friend Carley. Not a single nerve was in my system, I raced on pure adrenaline and happiness coursing through my veins. When I finished my one lap, I knew my time was going to be one of my best times of the season. Passing off the baton to the undefeated 400 meter runner, Brynn Saur, also gave me some confidence that we would win this race. Seeing my own sister as our anchor runner, and being able to experience this all with her on my team just made this all that much more sweeter. Going up on the awards stand, and having that blue medal placed around my neck, was a very surreal moment just because it's something I've been envisioning since I was very young. My track season also endured many ups and downs, so having all the blood sweat, and tears actually pay off for once was a nice change.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Image result for garmin 220 watchThe Garmin 220 Watch Review

     I got this watch going into my sophomore year and it it hands downs one of the best investments I have made in my running career to this date. Yes the watch is a bit more on the expensive side, but if you are willing to dig a into the web you can find some quality gently used watches for a slight discount. Personally, I got mine on Amazon for $180 used, and haven't experienced any issues with it. When buying them new, you are looking at prices pushing $250, but for this high tech of a running watch that isn't too unheard of. (I have a friend who has spent $1300 on their running watch). This watch includes easy to use GPS tracking which ables the device for very accurate distance and pace trackers, my favorite feature. The watch also has a removable heart rate tracker if that is something that interest you. The watch also can save all your running history. From personal best times and distances, to the exact amount of calories and pace you ran on a particular day, it's all saved in the system. Why I don't even feel the need to upgrade to the newest generation of this watches that I'm just not a fan of touch screens while I'm running, I find it annoying to deal with. Many other watches have similar functions, but what really makes Garmin special to me is its accuracy on measuring. I've had fit bits and even tried the apple watch and just never had the same success with getting such instant results on pace and distance. Its also water proof which comes in handy way too many times. Overall 10/10 product, that I highly recommend to anyone interested in running.

Image result for garmin 220 watch

Monday, December 10, 2018

What Makes Me Look Forward To Runs

- Staying motivated to simply plan runs and follow through on them can sometimes be more challenging than the run itself. Here are a few of the little things that inspire me, and hopefully shed some inspiration on you that keeps me running!

1. Wearing Cute Running Clothes

-Being the girly- girl that I am, I love any excuse to go shopping. Having fashionable, comfortable clothes is something I love about running. Its important to have clothes you feel secure in as well when challenging yourselves on your runs.

2. A chance to clear my Mind

-There's nothing like a long day of school, and being able to pop my headphones out and completely do my own thing. I genuinely look forward to it everyday as vital time for me to decompress. It's the best type of alone time that doubles as self care, and fitness.

4. It helps with my Sleeping 

- As a teenager, often the night hours are the most restless time of the day, and these are the ages where getting plenty of sleep is most important. That just adds another reason to my list of why I love my long distance runs: I am completely konked out after them, and sleep like a baby!
5. Feeling Accomplished once Finished a Long, Hard Run

-Running carries over into my everyday life from my confidence, energy, and time management. I know that after my runs I am always met with the immediate feeling of success and self improvement.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Related imageHow to Create Your Perfect Running Playlist:

Step 1: Decide what genre of music puts you in the most  motivated, and pumped up mindset. 

- Whether it's rap, Country, or Classic Rock, it should be personal to you. You'll learn that even though you like Soul music it might not put you in the most running type of mood. Sometimes the thought process behind my song choices can go as complex as whether its gonna be a long run I might choose slower, more calming music, whether I'm going out on a short run, I'll play a more hype up playlist.

Step 2: Choose an App that matches your needs.

Related image- There is wide range of options when it comes to music apps. Most popular options are Spottily and Apple music because they have a low monthly fee, and provide current and past songs of all genres. Personally I am a big fan of Sound Cloud, but only for Rap music in particular, and I am also a loyal Pandora user even though its not always the most updated on the latest albums.

Step 3: Collect and Save an abundance of cohesive song options.

-Begin saving and searching for songs! Enjoy this process, listen to new songs, and don't worry about saving to many  (see next step). Stay within the same genre but if your feeling your DJ intuition try saving some songs that good lead to a gradual transition into another genre. Nothing is worse then a sudden switch from Hip Pop to Folk music, but with the right songs laced in between it can go very smooth.

Step 4: Sift through the songs, and visualize yourself on the run and what song transitions are best.

- This part is a little more tedious, but when you are out on your run and that perfect song comes up next without any motion, you will be thankful to put the time into this. This is also where you will realize how long the total length of the playlist is going to be, so depending on how long your runs typically are, try to estimate it around that same time.

Step 5: When listening to your music on your run, make sure you have a comfortable way of holding your phone

- More often than not I do my winter running on the treadmill which makes it very easy to stash my phone right on the treadmill dashboard itself. When I'm running outdoors I get a bit more creative with it. I used to use one of those arm bands that hold your phone, but I much more prefer just placing it in my sports bra (Screen facing away for skin), and then i just simply lace the headphones under my shirt, and my headband secures the headphones in my ears.

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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Image result for running memes
I find this meme amusing because I have been the one passing and being past many times!

track and field running GIF by
My 2 favorite things- Christmas and Track

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

A: I love Animals
B: The Beach is one of my favorite places
C: Cereal is one of my favorite foods
D: I’m a terrible Dancer
E: I Eat constantly
F: I am obsessed with Fruit
G: I am a Girly Girl
H: I go Hiking in the summer a lot
I: I Ice my knees almost every day from growing pain
J: Jayda is my older sisters name
K: I can’t wait to have a million Kids
L- I would love to visit London
M- Minnesota is where I was born and raised
N- I’ve Never been out of the country
O- I’m fairly Outgoing
P-  I have five Piercings
Q- I have made a Quilt
R- I love to Run
S- I have Six Siblings
T- Track is my favorite sport
U- I plan on possibly Attending Loyola University
V- Vintage clothes are my favorite clothes
W- My last name is Woods
X- I will never take Xanax
Y- Yellow is one of my favorite colors
Z- I hate Zoo’s

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

1:Do you sleep with your (closet) doors open or closed?
  Either way, not a big deal to me
2:Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?

Definitely out, I move around too much 3:Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
   A big bear, cooler story
 4:Do you have freckles?

no, I wish though 5:What is your biggest pet peeve?
I hate burping 6:What is your Song of the week?
  Sundress by ASAP Rockey 7:What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen?  
Air Buddy 8:What do you dip a chicken nugget in?  
Bbq sauce 9:What is your top 3 favorite foods?
Fruit, Pasta, and Chocolate 10. What food do you dislike and why?
Bacon, too greasy 11:What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Breakfast at Tiffiney's 12:What time do you usually go to sleep every night?
anywhere from 10 pm to 2am sadly
13:When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? List what you remember.

snow white, gangster, robot, fairy, bat, and a witch
14:Do you sing in the car?

Of course
15.What do you want for Christmas this year?

A record player or a camera
16:What did you want to be when you were a kid?

have my own show like "Ellen"
17:Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?

No I do not. 18:Who would you like to see in concert?
I would die if I got to see Rihannah
19:What was the last concert you saw?

Amine just last week
20:Can you swim?

Yes, quite well actually
21:Ever won a contest? If so, for what?

I won a drawing contest in middle school
22:Who was your first crush?

This really short boy in my first grade class
23:If you were an animal, what would you be? Why?

A butterfly because they seem really care free and happy
24:Do you miss anyone right now?  Who?

I miss my sister because shes in Georgia at college 25 What's a weird habit or phobia of yours? 
I wink at people in the halls sometimes 26. What was your first stuffed animal && it's name?
I had a webkins names Twinkles
27. What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?

Spongebob Sqaurepants 28. If you could live in any time period, when would it be and why?
Current, too much discrimination for a black female in the past 29. What are the two most important for you? Love, fame, money, or power?
Love and fame 30. What did you do for your last birthday?
Went to Dinner at apple bees with my friends in gigantic tea shirts

  My Final Farewell Post My Favorite Blog Post: 1. Runner Gift Ideas Post 2.  My Year of Running Review Post 3. Motivational Quote...