Thursday, January 24, 2019

  My Final Farewell Post

My Favorite Blog Post:

1. Runner Gift Ideas Post

2.  My Year of Running Review Post

3. Motivational Quote Post

  Favorite Blogs From the Class:

1. Annika's Lifestyle Blog  

     The entire layout of the blog is very visually pleasing and the information really goes in depth about everything from nail polish to fashion!

2. Masud's Soccer Blog

  It is a very informational soccer blog, and I think would be great for someone who's just starting out and wanting to learn the basics of the soccer world.

3. Josh's Gas Station Blog

Josh easily had the most creative topic in the whole class, and it was fun to see how he would apply the assignments in relation to his blog subject.


My favorite addition to my blog was adding a interact-able running trail map of the whole world from the widget website. It was just so personalized to running, and really fun to just mess around on and see all the running trails. I also really enjoyed all of the variations of assignment subjects and how we could all apply them to our blogs in unique ways.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How to Not Get Injured

1. Stretch after every run

After running is the prime time to get stretching in because all of your muscles will be loose, and having flexibility is actually a vital part in staying healthy!

2.Warm up for work- outs Properly
Never jump straight into an intense workout with out warming up your muscles first, that's just asking to pull something.

3. Ice any muscles that may be sore

Either taking just a bag of ice and resting it on that area for 10-20 minutes or directly massaging ice over an injury can really help get inflammation down.

4. Know that Advil is your best friend

Popping a couple of these prior to running just helps the body recover quicker!

5. Rest your body even when you don't want to

The amount of girls who just end up getting more hurt on the track team because they didn't speak up the first time they felt pain is really too much! Always voice your concerns!




6. Stay hydrated and put in the right nutrients!

Easy to remember in the summer, but in the winter too it's just as important to keep fueling your body!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Running in the Cold Tips

1. Start your run, running with the wind

- to begin your run, don't brace the harsh winds beating your face right off the bat, let yourself warmup a little first. Preferably do a drop-off run , and you never have to run against the wind.

2. Go out at a slower pace then usual

- When your body is so cold, your going to be a little more stiff at the beginning, so gradually work your way up to a faster pace.

3. Keep your feet dry

- Having wet feet can ruin an entire run. Once your socks are wet its game over, so i recommend always packing extra socks and even doubling up on extreme conditions.

4. Watch out for Icy spots

- There is nothing worse than wiping out on a run. Slow down on turns, and if you can't directly see the ground, just take it easy.

5. Change out of damp running clothes right away

- Even when its so cold outside, under all those layers you will sweat, and once your wet that's when a brutal freeze can really set in, so try and get dry clothes on as soon as possible.

Honestly I just recommend running on a treadmill anytime it's negative outdoors, Happy Running!

Friday, January 18, 2019

     Powerful Quote Post

     Running is a mental battle just as much as a physical one. Positive thoughts is vital during a long run where your body is basically constantly wanting to stop. You almost need to retrain your brain to not view running as a punishment. In this culture running is such a negative mindset, but when I'm going into my runs I simply remind myself how lucky I am that I have the means and health to be able to go on runs for fun. Especially being a competitive runner, you have so many rivals in every race, having yourself on your side at least might be helpful. During a race I find myself second guessing my training, thoughts of not being good enough to run with certain people, and overall insecurities. All of my strongest races are when I felt the most confident going into the race. I focus on my strengths instead of my weaknesses. Overall just remember why your doing it, and have fun! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Predicted Trends for 2019

1. over-sized Hats

 But not just any sun hats, ridiculously oversized sun hats.We’re not exaggerating here. When it comes to this summer’s trend, the bigger the better, which is actually kind of perfect for anyone who wants a little more sun protection.

2. Tie-Dye

 If you thought tie-dyed garments were reserved for your summer camp days in the '90s or for Grateful Dead obsessives, think again. At New York Fashion Week, designers are employing the beloved hippie print for Spring 2019, proving that the spinning, psychedelic colors are making a comeback.


3. Neon 

 Bold and bright neon is back and better than ever! But this isn't about '80s overload.



4. Shoulder pads

Go big or go home; shoulder pads are your new best friend and they’re set to take over for spring.

Monday, January 14, 2019

One of my favorite parts about running is the fact that it's such an easy activity to pick up. Sure, you can go and buy some expensive running gear, but all you really need is just some basic running shoes and you pretty much are set. Compared to other sports, the equipment is so expensive, and all of it is pretty necessary buys that you can't just skip. Here are some running products that I recommend that are definitely not needed, but are fun if your interested!

Gum made specially for keeping your mouth from getting fry while on your run

This roller is very expensive, but is very effective as well

Many of these items are for great prices at TJMaxx
Arm bands are great for cold race days

Friday, January 11, 2019

The Profile Post - Colleen Quigley

Middle-distance runner who is recognized for having competed in the 3000 meter steeplechase event at the 2016 Summer Olympics. She has gone on to garner more than 110,000 followers on her steeple_squigs Instagram account.  Colleen Quigley is 24 years old, and is originally from St.Louis Missouri. She is now sponsored by Nike and runs for the Bower man Track Club in Portland, Oregon. She specializes in the steeplechase, but also runs the 1500. Colleen accepted a full ride to Florida State for 4 years where she ran for Coach Karen Harvey and became a National Champion in the steeplechase.

Colleen originally pursued a career as a model, where she was actually quite successful and made some big time job spreads. She now has her own blog were she discusses her training, running mindset, nutrition and much more. 

  My Final Farewell Post My Favorite Blog Post: 1. Runner Gift Ideas Post 2.  My Year of Running Review Post 3. Motivational Quote...